Stories Behind the Stories: She Rises at Night
Stories Behind the Stories: She Rises at Night *WARNING: Stories Behind the Stories essays contain spoilers of certain plot details in my works. The spoilers do not give away pertinent plot-ruining information and should not taint your reading enjoyment of the book.* Welcome to ‘Stories Behind the Stories.’ In this essay, we’ll be discussing my epic horror novel ‘She Rises at Night’ – a book that was such an undertaking that it was nicknamed ‘The Monster’ by my editor. In all fairness, ‘She Rises at Night’ was not originally intended to be the massive book that it became. During its birth, the novel was meant to be a short novella and a part of my ‘Shaded Whisperings’ horror series. In the original fifty-page draft, the two main characters – Bob and Karen – moved into a dilapidated European farmhouse by the sea and the haunted past of the house worked to tear the bitter couple further apart. It was meant to end with a husband who had totally lost his wits and decided to kil...